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Mercury documentation

Mercury is an open-source (opens in a new tab) framework that helps you build web applications from your Jupyter Notebooks.

You can create with Mercury:

Mercury modes

Mercury offers set of widgets with simple re-execution of cells in the notebook.

Development in Jupyter Notebook

Mercury comes with set of Input Widgets and Output Widgets. You can interact with widgets during notebook development.

Widgets values will be automatically updated. However, cells below the widget definition code will not be automatically executed (you need to run them manually).

Run notebook as Web App in Mercury

Serve notebook as web application with Mercury. Any widget update will trigger automatic re-execution of cells. Not all cells are re-executed. Only cells with widget definition and below are re-executed.

It allows to speed-up computation and cache previous results.


Please install Mercury with the following command:

pip install mercury

# or

conda install -c conda-forge mercury

Start Mercury Server:

mercury run

Run Mercury demo:

mercury run demo

Import Mercury Widgets with the following code:

import mercury as mr

Run demo notebooks

Mercury comes with built-in demo notebooks. You can play with them by running:

mercury run demo

The above command will create demo notebooks and start development server. Please check the Mercury website at

You need to have installed pandas, numpy and matplotlib to run demo notebooks.

Quick Start

Let's build a very simple web app with Mercury. Please create a new Python notebook with the following three code cells.

Import Mercury package

import mercury as mr

Add text widget

name = mr.Text(label="What is your name?")

Print widget value

print(f"Hello {name.value}!")

Please run the following command in the same directory as notebook:

mercury run

You should see in the web browser at address a Mercury website with your notebook.