API Docs


Adds a text widget. It can be a text field (rows=1) or text area (rows>1).

import mercury as mr
# add text widget
name = mr.Text(value="Piotr", label="What is your name?", rows=1)
# use widget value in the code
print(f"Hello {name.value}!")

Running example with Mercury:

Mercury App with text widget created in Jupyter Notebook


  • value (string)- the initial value of the text widget.
  • label (string)- the label that will appear near the text widget.
  • rows (integer)- number of rows in the text widget. Default is set to 1.
  • url_key (string) - set this value if you would like to set Text value with URL paramters.
  • disabled (boolean) - disable widget in the sidebar, default is set to False.
  • hidden (boolean) - hide widget in the sidebar, default is set to False.
  • sanitize (boolean) - if set to True widget value is sanitized and characters like quotes and parentheses are removed, default is set to True.

Share widget value in URL

Let's create the Text widget with url_key="name":

import mercury as mr
# init app settings
# set show_code=True
app = mr.App(title="Text", description="Demo of Text widget", show_code=True)
# add widget
name = mr.Text(value="Piotr", label="What is your name?", rows=1, url_key="name")
# access widget value in the code
print(f"Hello {name.value}!")

You can share the widgets values with other users. Please click the Share button in the sidebar bottom. It will open a dialog with URL.

The URL will look like:


Please note that ?name=Piotr is added at the end of URL address.

Share Mercury App with text widget value set in URL

Example App

Below is a screenshot with an example app. It is available at docs.runmercury.com/app/text (opens in a new tab).

App with text widget

Notebook's code:

Notebook with Mercury text widget