API Docs


Adds Slider widget.

import mercury as mr
# add slider widget
your_slider = mr.Slider(value=5, min=0, max=10, label="Your favourite number", step=1)
# access widget value in the code
print(f"Your value is {your_slider.value}")
Mercury App with slider widget created in Jupyter Notebook


  • value (integer)- the initial value of the widget, default is set to 0.
  • min (int) - minimum allowed value in the widget, default is set to 0.
  • max (int) - maximum allowed value in the widget, default is set to 10.
  • label (string) - the label that will appear near the widget.
  • step (integer or float) - value of change, default is set to 1.
  • url_key (string) - set this value if you would like to set Slider value with URL paramters.
  • disabled (boolean) - disable widget in the sidebar, default is set to False.
  • hidden (boolean) - hide widget in the sidebar, default is set to False.

Share widget value in URL

Let's create the Slider widget with url_key="slider":

import mercury as mr
# init app settings
# set show_code=True
app = mr.App(title="MultiSelect", description="Demo of MutiSelect widget", show_code=True)
# add widget
your_slider = mr.Slider(value=0, min=0, max=10, label="Your favourite number", 
                        step=1, url_key="slider")
# access widget value in the code
print(f"Your value is {your_slider.value}")

You can share the widgets values with other users. Please click the Share button in the sidebar bottom. It will open a dialog with URL.

The URL will look like:


Please note that ?slider=3 is added at the end of URL address.

Example App

Below is a screenshot with example app. Example app is available at docs.runmercury.com/app/slider (opens in a new tab).

App with slider widget

Notebook's code:

Notebook with Mercury slider widget